Why you’re bloated and what to do about it

Why you’re bloated and what to do about it

Most of us would be no stranger to that “stuffed” or “over-full” feeling we get when we know we’ve eaten far too much than our poor stomach can handle… (went to your parents for dinner? I feel ya!) but when we’re talking about...
Sugar Free? What’s the catch…

Sugar Free? What’s the catch…

Ever wondered how that “sugar-free” protein bar or doughnut that you grabbed from the shops on your lunch break can taste so sweet but there is next to zero sugar on the nutrition panel? What kind of healthy magic is this!? It tastes like chocolate but it...
A Day In The Life: Tracking Macros

A Day In The Life: Tracking Macros

There’s no doubt that by now you’ve probably heard of people tracking their macros (macronutrients) to stay on top of their fitness and health goals and ensure their body is getting enough of the good stuff it needs to function at its best! Macronutrients...